(Translated by Google) Very nice to do 🥰 (Original) Très sympa à faire 🥰
Michel Herbet 07-02-2025
(Translated by Google) Very nice to do 🥰 (Original) Très sympa à faire 🥰
Юрий Юрий 29-01-2025
(Translated by Google) An ancient village in France. Well done for preserving it! (Original) Древняя деревня Франции. Молодцы что сумели сохранить!
Christine Lemeunier 24-01-2025
(Translated by Google) Small historic village, worth visiting (Original) Petit village historique, qui mérite d'être visité
Jean Violin 19-01-2025
(Translated by Google) Very beautiful and authentic...nice place in Provence (Original) Très beau et authentique...joli endroit de Provence
Florian G 19-01-2025
(Translated by Google) Nice little stop near Gordes. Beautiful weather during our visit. We were able to appreciate the zenitude of the place. Slightly narrow access (Original) Petit arrêt sympathique près de Gordes. Temps magnifique lors de notre visite. Nous avons pu apprécier la zenitude des lieux. Accès un peu étroit
franca giannini 15-01-2025
(Translated by Google) Interesting reconstruction of a village made of dry stone walls (Original) Interessante ricostruzione di villaggio fatto di muri a secco
Thésou 09-01-2025
(Translated by Google) Very interesting for adults and children! Magnificent boxes. A short presentation film explains the construction method. Very welcoming person who listens to you. A very pleasant little moment. (Original) Très intéressant pour adultes et enfants ! Des boîtes magnifiques. Un petit film de présentation, vous explique la méthode de construction . Personne très accueillante à votre écoute. Un petit moment très agréable.
Rodolfo Medrano 17-12-2024
(Translated by Google) The Village des Bories is a unique testimony to Provençal rural architecture and the ancient agricultural and pastoral practices of the region. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction where visitors can walk among the buildings and learn how rural communities lived centuries ago. (Original) El Village des Bories es un testimonio único de la arquitectura rural provenzal y de las antiguas prácticas agrícolas y pastorales de la región. Hoy en día, es una atracción turística popular donde los visitantes pueden pasear entre las edificaciones y conocer cómo vivían las comunidades rurales hace siglos.
(Translated by Google) Nice visit (Original) Belle visite
Costin Comba 16-11-2024
(Translated by Google) This site is fabulous. From the moment you leave the main road and enter the road leading to this village, you are greeted by stone walls, which seem to send you back in time. The small buildings in this village were used by animal breeders, by those who cultivated olives and more, during the summer. There are different rooms with different utilities. Places for animals (sheep, goats, pigs), places for people (with large chimneys for smoke evacuation) and a specially designed place where silkworms were raised. The place is spectacular, it must be visited, it is an unforgettable experience. (Original) Este fabulos acest sit. Inca de la iesirea de pe drumul principal si intrarea pe drumul ce duce spre acest sat, esti intampinat de pereti de piatra, care parca te trimite inapoi in timp. Micile constructii din acest sat erau folosite de crescatorii de animale, de cei care cultivau masline si nu numai, pe timpul verii. Sunt diferite incaperi cu diferite utilitati. Locuri pentru animale (oi, capre, porci) locuri pentru oameni (cu cosuri mari pentru evacuarea fumului) si un loc special amenajat unde erau crescuti viermi de matase. Locul este spectaculos, trebuie vizitat, este o experienta de neuitat.
Morgane Serrand 15-11-2024
(Translated by Google) We loved this visit! Small village of Mediterranean stone cabins. Visited in 40 minutes, taking our time. Very well preserved site, free parking, entry at €8 per person, very pleasant and smiling lady at the reception. A construction area is available for children, it's very nice! (Original) Nous avons adoré cette visite ! Petit village de cabanes méditerranéenne en pierre. Visité en 40 minutes en prenant notre temps. Site très bien préservé, parking gratuit, entrée à 8€ par personne, dame à l'accueil très agréable et souriante. Une aire de construction est proposée pour les enfants, c'est très sympa !
Yuliia Didenko 11-11-2024
(Translated by Google) An interesting journey. The terminal at the checkout did not work. If we didn't have cash, we wouldn't be able to get in and see it. (Original) Интересное путешествие. На кассе не работал терминал. Если бы не было наличных денег, не смогли бы попасть и посмотреть.
Alexandra Zanotti 10-11-2024
(Translated by Google) To see superb 👍👍 (Original) A voir superbe 👍👍
Sylvie Brunel 10-11-2024
(Translated by Google) Nice place, quiet, discover special architecture.. (Original) Joli lieu, calme, découvrir une architecture spéciale..
Solange Pienoel 09-11-2024
(Translated by Google) Very nice place but nothing justifies such an entry price.... (Original) Tres joli endroit mais rien ne justifie un tel prix d entree....
Thibault Jacquier 08-11-2024
(Translated by Google) Very pretty typical 16th century village. It will take between 30 minutes and 1 hour for the visit depending on your interest. (Original) Très joli village typique du XVIeme siècle. Il faudra compter entre 30 minutes et 1h de visite suivant l'intérêt que vous lui porterez.
Val Courbot 06-11-2024
(Translated by Google) A must see. Very interesting to see life at the end of the Middle Ages. Very well reconstructed. I even recommend for a price of 8€ entry. Really cheap. (Original) A voir absolument. Très intéressant de voir la vie à la fin du moyen âge. Très bien reconstitué. Je conseille même pour un tarif de 8€ l'entrée. Vraiment pas cher.
Campervanfred Campervanfred 03-11-2024
(Translated by Google) Very impressive, the journey was worth it (Original) Sehr eindrucksvoll, der Weg hat sich gelohnt
My Moments 03-11-2024
(Translated by Google) A fantastic open-air museum, exclusively from Bories, which can be discovered individually, everywhere in this area. In colloquial language, also found Gallic huts, built without mortar, from the stones collected from the limestone soil and when creating new agricultural areas. This village was built in the 17th and 18th centuries. Century, when population development forced the farmers around Gordes to find new living spaces. In the years 1969-1976 the stone village was restored and now shows how it looked 150 years ago, after the last people left. It was listed as a historical monument in 1977. Great to discover and absolutely worth seeing. Visited in summer 2024 (Original) Ein fantastisches Freilichtmusem, ausschließlich aus Bories, die man einzeln, überall in dieser Gegend entdecken kann. In der Umgangssprache, auch gallische Hütten, gebaut ohne Mörtel, aus den zusammengetragenen Steinen aus dem Kalkboden und bei der Schaffung von neuen landwirtschaftlichen Flächen, gefunden. Dieses Dorf entstand im 17./18. Jahrhundert, als die Bevölkerungsentwicklung, die Bauern um Gordes zwang, neue Lebensräume zu finden. In den Jahren 1969-1976 wurde das Steindorf restauriert und zeigt sich jetzt, wie es vor 150 Jahren, nach dem Verlassen der letzten Menschen aussah. Es wurde 1977 unter Denkmalschutz gestellt. Toll zu entdecken und absolut sehenswert. Besucht im Sommer 2024
tamara vallet 02-11-2024
(Translated by Google) Incredible discovery. Wonderfully well maintained, a lovely ride. (Original) Incroyable découverte. Merveilleusement bien entretenu, une belle balade.
Ka Pjd 31-10-2024
(Translated by Google) It's magnificent (Original) C est magnifique
Maxime Delohen 29-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Old, well-kept historic village. Things to do in the region. 👍 (Original) Ancien petit village historique bien entretenu. À faire dans la région. 👍
Mathilde Gros 29-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Very beautiful, to see to understand and put images on this real know-how... It is worth the detour but at the same time they remain houses made of stones. Bravo to them (Original) Très beau, à voir pour comprendre et mettre des images sur ce réel savoir-faire... Ça vaut le détour mais en même temps ça reste des maisons en cailloux. Bravo à eux
Mickael LAURENT 27-10-2024
(Translated by Google) To do it, it's interesting, fascinating and we learn something about how they lived. We quickly went around even though we were going very slowly. Large free parking lot. (Original) A faire, c'est intéressant, fascinant et on apprend certaine chose sur comment ils vivaient. On a vite fait le tour même en allant très lentement. Grand parking gratuit.
Didier Lamongesse 25-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Unusual, bravo to those who restored (Original) Insolite, bravo à ceux qui ont restauré
Nicolas Mouton 20-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Picturesque village, ancient stone houses in Neolithic era (Original) Village pittoresque, maisons anciennes en pierre dans de néolithique
laura richard 19-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Very nice site, an explanatory video is available on the site concerning the constructions, to know: where, when and for who/what. The site is well maintained, thank you for this good cultural moment (Original) Très jolie site, une vidéo explicative est disponible sur le site concernant les constructions, pour savoir : où, quand et pour qui / quoi. Le site est bien entretenu, merci pour ce bon moment culturel
martine daguet 19-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Amazing (Original) Étonnant
alexia lubeigt 17-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Come travel with this historic village... TO DO (Original) Venez voyager avec ce village historique... A FAIRE
Vladimir vilić 16-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Unusual place, unique ambience. My humble opinion that the mood can be raised. (Original) Neobično mjesto unikatan ambijent. Moje skromno mišljenje da se može podići ugođaj.
Guido Scherpenhuyzen 15-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Nice, no more (Original) Nett, nicht mehr
Paul SIMOES 15-10-2024
(Translated by Google) We had already visited it more than 40 years ago, still the same, a pleasant time. (Original) Nous l'avions déjà visité il y a plus de 40 ans, toujours pareil, un moment agréable.
Thierry Burck 08-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Gorgeous (Original) Magnifique
Clémence Coin 07-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Visit during heritage days. A nice place to see. (Original) Visite lors des journées du patrimoine. Un lieu sympa c’est à voir.
Gisela Weiss 05-10-2024
(Translated by Google) The place is really worth seeing. Very old stone houses. It's worth checking out. (Original) Der Ort ist wirklich sehenswert. Sehr alte Steinhäuser. Es lohnt sich, sich das anzusehen.
Nanou Mimosa 05-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Super see (Original) Super vidite
Christine Lebeau 05-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Very nice to discover the past so well restored, also great for children. (Original) Très sympa de découvrir le passé aussi bien restauré, super aussi pour les enfants.
Didier Dumont 05-10-2024
(Translated by Google) For those who like unusual constructions, they will be delighted (Original) Pour ceux qui aiment l'insolite des constructions, ils seront ravis
mickael rouyer 04-10-2024
(Translated by Google) To think that it still holds up today and without cement wow (Original) Dire que ça tien encore aujourd'hui et sans ciment woaw
JM S 02-10-2024
(Translated by Google) Very interesting history. (Original) Sehr interessante Historie.
Ingo 30-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Interesting facility. Entrance fee could be a little lower compared to what is offered (Original) Interessante Anlage. Eintritt könnte etwas geringer sein im Vergleich zum gebotenen
Esteves David 29-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Magnificent place to see. Small visit of 1 hour sufficient. (Original) Magnifique lieu à voir. Petite visite de 1h suffisante.
Bruno Perrissin 29-09-2024
(Translated by Google) The site would gain value if it were treated as an eco-museum with scenarios of life in the past. (Original) Le site prendrait de la valeur à être traité comme un écomusée avec des mises en situation de la vie d’autrefois
Marie Gaffé 28-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Beautiful place!!!! To have (Original) Magnifique endroit !!!! A voir
guy ackaert 28-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Very interesting visit. Helps to better understand the integration of man into his living environment with great economy of means. A real discovery. Be careful on the access path. (Original) Visite très intéressante. Aide à mieux comprendre l’intégration de l’homme à son milieu de vie avec une belle économie de moyens. Une vraie découverte. Prudence sur le chemin d’accès.
Pierre André JEAN 25-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Visit with friends to an exceptional site. (Original) Visite entre amis d'un site exceptionnel.
philippe Montay 24-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Remarkable site, you need good shoes for the visit, stones stacked dry for the construction, watch your head for franc8the entrances to the outbuildings.. (Original) Site remarquable, il faut de bonnes chaussures pour la visite, des pierres empilées à sec pour la construction, attention à la tête pour franc8les entrées des dépendances..
Babeth Bailly 24-09-2024
(Translated by Google) To visit at least once. very picturesque (Original) A visiter au moins une fois. tres pittoresque
Jean Pierre Foubert 23-09-2024
(Translated by Google) A real curiosity to visit at the same time as the village of Gordes. (Original) Véritable curiosité à visiter en même temps que le village de Gordes.
Eric Chaumont 23-09-2024
(Translated by Google) To have (Original) A voir
Orlane Colson 19-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Nice little tour of the village. Be careful to wear good shoes. (Original) Belle petite visite du village. Attention bien se chausser.
Didier Guillemot 19-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Surprising, to do after Gordes (Original) Surprenant , à faire après Gordes
Stephan Schmid 19-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Impressive stone buildings. How difficult life was 300 years ago. 8 euros entry is a lot. (Original) Beeindruckende Steinbauten. Wie mühsam noch h vor 300 Jahren das Leben war. 8 Euro Eintritt ist viel.
Laurence Fort 18-09-2024
(Translated by Google) To have (Original) A voir
Martine Riette 18-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Nice place... (Original) Bel endroit...
Arnaud 18-09-2024
(Translated by Google) The Village des Bories is absolutely fascinating! This site offers an authentic immersion in the traditional dry stone architecture, typical of the region. Each construction tells a story and allows you to appreciate the ingenuity and know-how of the ancient builders. The tour is enriching and well-researched, providing valuable insight into rural life in times gone by. I highly recommend visiting the Village des Bories for an unforgettable cultural and historical experience. (Original) Le Village des Bories est absolument fascinant ! Ce site offre une immersion authentique dans l'architecture traditionnelle en pierres sèches, typique de la région. Chaque construction raconte une histoire et permet d’apprécier l’ingéniosité et le savoir-faire des anciens bâtisseurs. La visite est enrichissante et bien documentée, offrant un aperçu précieux de la vie rurale d'autrefois. Je recommande vivement de visiter le Village des Bories pour une expérience culturelle et historique inoubliable.
Dominique pean 18-09-2024
(Translated by Google) To do absolutely before or after visiting Gordes including the market and Tuesday.. For the market, leave early in the morning to have room. Parking costs €8 for 4 hours.. (Original) À faire absolument avant ou après la visite de Gordes dont le marché et le mardi.. Pour le marché partez de bonne heure le matin afin d'avoir de la place. Le parking de 8 € pour 4h..
Delphine Godelle 18-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Very beautiful village, great visit to do with children. (Original) Très beau village, belle visite à faire avec des enfants.
Dick Harris 16-09-2024
Fascinating renovation of an historical stone village/croft. Marvellous place.
catherine gavin 16-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Amazing ! To have... (Original) Incroyable ! À voir...
Alain M 15-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Very beautiful stone village, well restored, the explanations on site are very interesting. On the other hand, the road to get there is very narrow. (Original) Très beau village en pierre, bien restauré, les explications sur place sont très intéressantes. Par contre le route pour y accéder est très étroite.
gougelet daniel 15-09-2024
(Translated by Google) A real surprise where the eyes are filled with joy (Original) Une vraie surprise ou les yeux sont rempli de joie
Richard Heck 15-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Very interesting place that gives an insight into the hard life in the past. Recommended. (Original) Sehr interessanter Ort, der einen Eindruck in das harte Leben in der Vergangenheit gibt. Empfehlenswert.
Frédéric Thellier 13-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Particular to see (Original) Particulier à voir
Defontaine Stéphanie 11-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Thank you for sharing a little of our historical heritage with us!? Very well maintained place! (Original) Merci de nous faire partager un peu de notre patrimoine historique !? Lieu très bien entretenu !
christine meunier 07-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Gorgeous. Fairly short but magnificent circuit (Original) Magnifique. Circuit assez court mais magnifique
Catherine Cheminal 07-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Superb what work (Original) Superbe quel travail
Veronique Duvernois 06-09-2024
(Translated by Google) Beautiful place to visit with children because it is a beautiful page of history (Original) Beau lieu à visiter avec les enfants car c'est une belle page d'histoire
Joseph Mantello 03-09-2024
(Translated by Google) It's nice. To do if you are in the area (Original) C'est sympa. A faire si vous êtes dans les parages
Tatiana Obringer 02-09-2024
(Translated by Google) An open-air museum with around twenty stone cabins, built over three decades. Absolutely worth visiting! (Original) Une musée en pleine aire avec d'une vingtaine de cabanes en pierres , constitué depuis trois décennies. A visiter absolument !